Friday, April 29, 2011

FlashBack Fridays

Hard to believe a whole week went by and  I did  not get a chance to blog...hmmm could it have to do with Easter Vacation.   I had high hopes for this week.  It fell between the end of April, beginning of May.  I figured we would be outside the whole week.  Well hello Wisconsin weather way to disappoint everybody as usual.  So needless to say to stop the endless bickering between H and C, I had to give up my laptop.  So no Blog.updates this week.   Dear Monday, you can not come soon enough.  I love vacation but we tend to get off our normal routine.   Or should I say I give into the kids bad habits.  Late night movies and sleepovers in our room have been plenty this week.  So hello Monday, good by Hailey's feet in my face, back, stomach any where else they can reach.  Hello 8pm bedtimes oh how I missed you.  This week flash back photo is of me about 3 months early of my two year old birthday.    I thought since I recently put H and C's one year old pictures up you could see if they actually look a little like me, since everyone says they look like Steve.  I feel I deserve a little credit since I am the one that had to put the 25lbs on to have them.  Can you see where Cody gets his round forehead from now!!!! Enjoy your Friday, here is hoping Spring comes to Wisconsin

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