I recently read a blog of family that I used to babysit for. I met them when I worked at the Prairie school doing after school daycare. They had 3 of the most personable kids, each one was cuter than the next and one of the little boy would recite facts about things like dinosaurs and other things interesting to 3 year old, that would amaze me . It's bad enough when you know you may not be the brightest student in the class but Wow to have a 3 three your old show you up is pretty bad!!!! Anyways in their blog every Friday is flashback Friday and their mother post a old picture of them. I love this ideas on so many levels. I love I can bring out my "old" favorite pictures of my kids and show them off again. I love I can tell them about things that we did and why that I thought it was so special. I love that I can show them a picture of them making a certain face or wearing outfit and tell them why that picture of them means something to me. I will also be posting pictures from when Steve and I were little and our life before these three wonderful joys. I hope someday my kids will read this when they are teenagers and not talking to me. They will remember a time when I was their favorite person and they hated to be away from, I will remind them they actually would vomit the nights I worked 2nd shift. It was a time they actually believed I knew something. They will see pictures of me before I had kids and realize that I was actually someone other than their Mom and I had my own life. They will get a small glimpse of me as a person and know who I am, and maybe realize that we are not so different. So to any family members or friends reading my blog please submit your favorite memories for flashback Fridays. So here is my first picture for flashback Fridays
I love this picture for many reasons. First off check out my tan, Wow do I look good or what. Now that I know the effects of sun damage I will never have that tan again unless it is from a bottle. Go figure now that my gym has a $15 unlimited tan special, I know better. Back than I paid $50 plus to wrinkle my skin. Next check out that Sunset, Amazing. That sunset is like my Family Amazing. We were a one income family and my dad always made it a priority that we went on a family vacation. As a child you don't see the sacrifices your parents make so you can have a amazing childhood, now I get it. So thank you Mom and Dad for those Amazing family vacations. Finally I love this picture because of my 2 Amazing sisters are in it with me. We are making a pyramid, we are one piece. So to my two sisters I love you. I know we may not always agree but you both are a piece of my life pyramid and there is no two other people that I would want holding My pyramid up. I love you guys