As my children continue to grow and as I continue to blog I am sure there will come a point when I will tell a few stories about them . I am sure some of the stories they might not find as entertaining as I do. They might actually be a little "upset" that I shared them. However I am not telling these stories to embarrass them but to remind them that we are not perfect and that is OK. We all need to learn to laugh even if it at ourselves. Nothing makes life easier to handle than doing it with your head held high and a smile on your face. I know my kids will go through something that they are so embarrassed by that they will never want to show their face again. I know this because I have been their done that. It has taken me years to gain the confidence and knowledge I have now, so I want to share that with my children and hopefully take away some of that pain caused by that feeling of humiliation. When the day come when one of my children is humiliated at a situatiin, I will tell them you need to take control of the situation. I will try to teach them that only they can give people the power to humiliate them . I will tell them they have a choice, They can choose to have people laugh at them or they can choose to put a smile on their face and laugh with them. I know it is easy to say a situation is no big deal and laugh it off when it is not you they are laughing at but I figure it is better to lead by example. So here it goes. I am choosing to laugh with you. The first laughable story I am sharing on this blog is about me. I figure it is only fair to write the first laughable blog about myself. I have included a audio clip of my recent blunder. To set up the clip I was recently driving Cody to school and heard the radio station 102.9 having a call in contest to win Kid Rock tickets. I never call radio stations but the though of winning my hubby some tickets was intriguing so take a listen and the rest is history.
So as my children grow I will try to teach my kids about Humility. I will tell them it is OK to learn to laugh at yourself . Humility is the state of being humble. While people may have different ideas about the meaning of humility, a typical humble person is generally thought to be unpretentious and modest: someone who does not think that he or she is better or more important than others. So to Cody, Hailey and Brennan I am not perfect nor will you be.. At some point you will do something that makes you want to hide and not face the world. But remember these words, I want to you put a smile on your face , raise your head and learn to laugh because only you give people the power to humiliate you. So always smile big and laugh. I promise it will be over sooner than you think
Great message to read over and over...everyday!
That message is so true and I can relate to it. Thanks for sharing and I really liked the radio clip.
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