Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Mother's Day

This Sunday is Mother's Day I love Mother's day because I love being  a mother.  This day represents so much to me.  I love being the mother to 3 wonderful kids.  Cody, Hailey and Brennan., I love you so much.  I am honored to be your mother.  You have given me something I can never thank you enough for.  You have given me a feeling of accomplishment in my life.  I have never felt that I have ever excelled at anything before I became a mother.  I was always a average student, a  average athlete.  Don't even talk to me about my Art!!!!  I think I was a good  police officer,I think I am a good detective, a good cook but I never felt I could say I am great at something.  But once I became a Mom, I found something I loved to do and I feel like I am great at.  So thank you Brennan, Hailey and Cody for giving me that gift.  However I really need to thank my mom because she has given me the tools to be a great mom because everything I know about being a great Mom  I have learned from her.  So Mom happy Mother's Day.  You haven given me so much and taught me how to be the mother I am.  You are so modest so you will never take credit for all you have done and taught me.  You are everything to Jen ,Meg and I.     You are the core of our family  You mean everything to all the grand kids.   No one makes warm cookies after school better than you.  If you don't believe me just ask Cody, Hailey and Brennan.   So I want you to know what you are to me.  You are beautiful on the inside and the outside.  I wish you would see yourself  how everyone else  see's you  A HOT MOM.  Yes you are Hot, Beautiful, Stunning, I don't care what word we use, they all describe you.  I don't know why you don't see it, you always nit pick at yourself so I want you to know how everyone else's see you.  BEAUTIFUL.  For those of you that don't know my mom never went to college but she is one of the smartest people  I know, her vocabulary can put anyone to shame.  It has put me to shame on  a number occasions.!!!!  She also knows all kind of interesting facts, if you don't believe me play Trivia with her on Wednesday night at Mario's.  She is also very thrifty.  My mom was a stay at home mom  and my parents raised us on one income and sent us to private school.  Growing up I never wanted anything.  It is only now as a adult from hearing stories did I realize how tight our finical situation was.   I never felt the crunch because my mom would make sure we would have what we needed if it meant sewing it, getting up at the crack of dawn for the thanksgiving sale, or getting things on clearance and hiding them for the next year.  My mom always found a way.  My mom is super creative.  Steve makes fun of me when ever it is my turn to bring snack to school.  He laughs cause it is never simple, Its usually something that causes way to much frustration like strawberry mice, beach pudding cups, heart shape muffins...etc.  Why do I torture myself you may ask?  No it is not that I like spending my spare time cooking!   Spare time what is that!!!  It is because I remember being the kid bringing in the snack that all the kids loved.  I remember that feeling of pride and excitement carrying that snack in.  I still have  grade school friends that talk about  the snacks I  brought in.  My Mom did that for me and I want to do that for my kids.  .  My mom is also fun.  What other Mom would do soda popper shots with her 21 year old daughter and her best friend before they went out to the bars.  There is so much to say about my mom I could go on for pages.   I guess I will end with my moms best trait.  My mom is the kindest ,most sincere, loving ,genuine, caring person I know..  I know that is more than one trait but how to you describe in one word the person that means the most to you.   I strive everyday to be the mother to my kids that she is to me.  Mom,I am honored to be your daughter . I thank God everyday for you.  When I am having a bad day there is no one else I want to complain to but her,  Isn't it funny no matter how old you are no  one can make  you feel better  than your mom.  A few years ago I had a tubal pregnancy, after surgery I was very agitated .  She probably does not remember this but my Mom came over and held me in my bed and rubbed my head and back.  But that is just what I needed, I wanted to feel safe and reassured that everything would be OK.   That is what my mother has always given me a safe place where I am loved unconditionally and feel safe.  Mom you have given me so much I want you to realize you are the center of my world .  I love you Happy Mother's Day  You meant the word to us growing up.

Now as adult I realize just how blessed we are to have you as a Mother

So to my Hero, Kathrine Schiro.  Happy Mother's Day.  I love you,  Thank you for all the sacrifices you have made,all the time and effort you have given to making me the mother, and  person I am today.  Thanks for being a best grandmother to my kids

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