Sunday, April 3, 2011


Here I am, now what?.  I have often read other peoples blogs like you would read a novel  begining to end with no stopping in between enjoying their stories they call life.  Some so sad I immediately hug my husband and kids and thank God for the blessings I have.  Some filled with such creativety it makes me feel like the most boring mother around.  Other sharing stories of motherhood that I can relate to and even find comfort in knowing I am not alone in feeling certain things.   So where do I fit in?  I am not really sure what I have to say that is so important or so interesting that others would even waste their few minutes they get on the computer to read my story .  However this is something I want to do for my kids.  I want them to be able to look back and read about our lives and our families story. I want them to know through the craziness of everyday life that being with them is always a day in paradise for me.  Some days the weather may not be as sunny as I would like it to be but through it all they are my world and I will savor every single day with those 3 rays of sunlight I call my children.  I want them to read those blog entries when they are parents and know that I was not prefect  parent nor were they always perfect children.  However I want them to know through this chaos we call  life we learn, grow and, love .   Mix it all together ,it is the paradise I call life and I would not trade it for anything.   So to Cody, Hailey and Brennan this blog is for you.  This is our stories  I love you Mom

1 comment:

Sue said...

Melissa, congratulations! I find writing a family blog to be so rewarding, a way for far-flung grandparents, relatives, and now even our own children, to keep up with what's going on. In case it's of any interest to you, a few months ago I discovered that you can get your blogs printed in book form. I had the first year of my blog printed recently, and am very happy with it. From here on out I think I will have a book made up at the end of every year. I am sure there are lots of places to find this service, but i found mine at Anyway, good luck with this and have fun with it! Sue