It's hard to believe last year at this time I would have just given birth to my last son Brennan. It seems just like a few months ago I was talking my husband into letting me have another baby. I remember waiting and hoping every month that this would be the month that I would be blessed with my 3rd and last child. After I found out I was pregnant I could not wait to be done and meet my little wonder that was growing inside of me. Now a year after Brennan was born. I realized how fast time is going. . I realize I will never get this time back and I don't want to miss anything . I want it to slow down. I want to enjoy every minute and I don't want to be waiting for the next stage to come. It makes me sad now that I complained about every pound I put on or how hard it was to do things 8 months pregnant , when I should have been enjoying every kick, punch, hiccup that I felt while Brennan was growing inside of me because I will never feel that again.
I realized while I was trying to get pregnant I should have not been so focused on trying to get pregnant but should have enjoyed the time I had alone with my hubby and not having to share my bed with my little bundle of joy and his need for a "all night buffet" even though he is old enough not to eat all night long. I know mom if I used a crib I would not have this problem !!!!! This past year has gone by so fast and I vow not to focus on things that are to come because my 3 beautiful children are growing right in front of me and I don't want to miss a thing. I want to remember everything they tell me, I want to remember the smell of cheesepuff kisses, sweet smelling hugs from just bathed kids , every smile they give me because we did something togather that made their day better. I vow not to get annoyed with sticky hand prints on my work clothes, midnight wake up calls, my messy house , etc because someday I won't be fortunate enough to have those things in my life everyday. So Happy birthday to you Brennan Curtis Diener

I don't know where this first year has gone. in a blink of a eye you have turned into a little man. I vow to never forget how little you were and how I felt the first time I laid eyes on you and kissed your sweet checks

So to you Mr B, Bren, Spot Happy Birthday I am truly blessed to be your mom. I enjoyed getting to know you and learning who you will be. You are a true blessing to our family. Cody and Hailey fight for your attention, I know someday you won't believe that but they are crazy about you. They love getting you to laugh. I love your smile, the way you laugh, the way you steal my glasses, your crazy bed head, they way you need me all night long. You are truly amazing If you don't believe me someday I will have you look in the mirror and you will see how special you are . You will see your angel kiss. The angels knew how special you were they left that spot on your cheek as they kissed you goodbye and sent you to me. This next year I am going to slow down and not going to miss anything. I am going to watch you grow and enjoy every minute of it. Happy Birthday I love you
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