When I first started flashback Fridays, I mentioned I was going to put pictures not only of my kids but also of Steve and I. So my kids would get some information about not only about thing in their past but important things in our past. So this weeks flashback friday is from this exact week in 2004. This week in 2004 I was promoted from a Patrol Officer to an Investigator . Cody was 6 months old at this time . While I had only been on the force for about 6 years after having Cody I was looking forward to the promotion. I knew this promation would be not oly good for my career but good for my family. While it is always scary to try something new and move out of your comfort zone. I knew this promotion would be best for my family life. I felt it was less risky than patrol which is important once you have a child and you become a mom . Once you become someone’s mom things change and any risk you can minimize you do . This job also makes it easier for me to stop home for dinners or anything else that comes up making for a more "normal' family life. Also being a Investigator also gives me the freedom to work half the week on 2nd shift and the other half on day shift. Which sometimes can be tiring for me, but again works best for the kids because it minimizes the time we need daycare. When I took the promotion back in June of 2004 I knew it was the best thing I could have do for my family but I never knew how much I would enjoy the job . So My flashback photos are from my promotional ceremony this week in 2004.
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