Friday, July 1, 2011

FlashBack Friday,

I did not get a chance to blog this week I was enjoying my summer days off with the kid.  We went to the drive in, we went to the beach and we did the annual doll buggy parade and and after party .  It felt like the perfect summer week.    The weather could have cooperated a little bit more yesterday for our after party but the kids still had fun.    This week's flashback pictures are from the doll buggy parade when Cody was about 18 months. Can you tell how much time I had back than, check out my wagon  Funny I thought I was busy than..  You will also notice a picture of all the kids on my grandma's porch.  We take that same picture every year of all the kids that go to the parade. Its amazing looking at the picture now and seeing how everyone has grown    Hope you have a good week

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