Sunday, June 12, 2011

Slacker Sunday

Friday was crazy, I got up at 5:20 am to go to my morning 5:30am aerobic class, than it was off to work till 4pm.  Picked up the kids, played, supper, baths, movies and Bed time.  I had all the intentions to get up after I put the kids to bed to do Flashback Fridays and next thing I know it was Saturday.  For those of you that don't know I work a split week of second and first shift so we don't need much day care.  Well Thursday I worked till 11pm, so by the time I get to bed  and midnight ,3am wake up calls from Mr. B the 5:20am alarm comes way to fast.  So the days I work 2nd shift followed by day shift the following day I am exhausted by bed time.  So needless to say no flashback Friday.  I think it is kinda of ironic seeing this weeks post was about a lack of time to finish all the things I want.   So this weeks flashback Friday will be called slacker Sunday, since I am going to cut myself some slack since I did not get this in Friday.

Since we have finished up the school year and Hailey graduated from preschool and Cody finished first grade I  thought I would post preschool graduation pictures from the past.

First is my preschool graduation picture, than Cody's and Hailey's from this past month.  Enjoy your week everyone.

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