Thursday, June 23, 2011


It’s Funny since Cody was my first born I got the first time mom excitement of watching him hit  all the mile stones for the first time ever.  First Smiles, First laughs,  First rolls, First walk, and so on.  Watching each of the milestones and watching him grow I could not help but beam with pride and feel a sense of  awe that a first time mom feels.  Each milestone  more special than the next,  I photograph everyone of them  in my memory.   Being a seasoned veteran mom of three now, I thought I had reached all the momentous first and  I was prepared for them all.  However while laying in bed last night  my 7 ½ first born came bouncing out of his bed, so excited that he had pulled out his first tooth.  He had been waiting this whole school year to lose his first tooth.   He was so disappointed he did not lose his first  tooth in kindergarten or first grade at school because they do something special for you when you do.    He also did not want to be the only 2nd grader that had not lost his first tooth.  My poor Cody did not get his first tooth until 13 months, I remember wondering if he was ever going to get that first tooth.    We had a running joke that his 9month younger cousin Connor was going to get his first tooth first.  Cody did  get his first.  However , I remember worrying he was never going to get them.  I have several missing adult teeth, I started to wondered if he was missing teeth like me.  But around 13 months that first and second bottom teeth finally made their way up  to that toothless grin. 

 I must admit I was a little worried that his first tooth might fall out late due to the fact it came in so slow.  Cody kept telling me his tooth was loose, but I must admit I did not know it was that loose.  For some reason, wiggly teeth give me the willies.   I must admit I never wiggled  it and saw how loose it was.   However I was ready for that first tooth to fall out. I had bought a few small gifts and put them away for the big moment.  While I was prepared on the tooth Fairy end, nothing prepared this seasoned veteran for the feeling I would get from this milestone.  While watching that toothless grin again, I felt a sudden pain of sadness.  That tooth was more than a token for the tooth fairy.  It represent a small piece of Cody’s childhood and it was a direct symbol of something bigger.  Little by little, piece by piece or tooth by tooth.  My first born baby is no longer my baby.  I was really taken back by how sad this made me feel. There Cody stood in front of me so proud and all I wanted to do was hug him and stop time.  I gave him the biggest hug and told him how proud I was of him and swallowed that lump in my throat and wiped that tear in my eye.   Again I am remind how fast time goes by and how fast our babies grow up.    It’s funny as much as I complain about being needed all the time or my lack of sleep I am not ready for my Cody, Hailey or Brennan to grow up.  I know I can’t stop time , but here is another small reminder to slow down and enjoying every minute of it.  Craziness and all.  I love every bit of it and I love those kids more than I could ever put in to words 

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