Thursday, June 2, 2011

Flashback friday

I only thought it would be fitting this week for flash back Fridays to show pictures from our wedding since yesterday was our 9 year anniversary.  Than it struck me that I really don't have any pictures.  I have a beautiful album but that does me no good for this post.  See 9 years ago was well before I or most people had digital cameras or the times where people will tag you in their photos or email them to you. Since I was a little busy that day to take pictures I did not have big amount laying around to choose from.  I was able to locate a few picture to include in my post for flashback Friday's.  I have to apologize to my sisters and mother-in-law for not having any pictures of them to post.  Theses are the only ones I could find.  On a good note after complaining to my mom I had no photos to post she reminded me my wedding proofs were at here house.  I than remembered I was storing my proofs at her house, just in case there was ever a fire in the house I would not lose my album and my proofs.  However It was to late for this post to get the professional photos. So have a great weekend

This one is of me and My Niece Cassie and My cousin Stephanie who were readers at the service.  Cassie you are so cute here, you look so young

This one is of my Mom and I right before the reception was over

Father daughter dance

                                          My best friend Debbie and I.  Don't you love the bridesmaids dresses.  Orange my Fav color.  They were actually prom dresses but I fell in love with them the moment I saw them

Steve's Dad and I enjoying a dance

Steve and his brother Brian

The Party bus with Steve's dad and his wife Dian and my Dad.


Emily said...

wow,,,,u were so stunningly beautiful bride!

Cassie said...

I still remember this entire day like it was yesterday. It was so much fun! And you and Steve are just as much the power couple you were then... in fact, you probably are more so now 3 kids later :) I feel very proud & honored to be a part of such a wonderful family :D