9 years ago today I was lucky enough to become Mrs. Steven Diener. At that time I was happy because I was marrying a man, that made me truly happy. Steve was and still is someone I love spending time with. He is witty, kind and I find him extremely sexy. Many of you don’t know this but when Steve and I took the required marriage class that you need before you get married, we got the highest score on the marriage compatibility test that the counselor has ever seen in her career .( yes she had been teaching there more than a month!!! I think it was over 15 years) I guess that explains while I love my husband more now than I did 9 years ago. As I was walking down the aisle I never thought it was possible to be more in love than I was at that moment but I was so wrong. I know I am no expert on marriage because in the scheme of life 9 years is a relatively short time but I want my children to know what I have learned in these 9 wonderful years. When love is real, it changes and grows and it gets better. But real love takes work and compromise and sometimes sacrifices your own needs for your spouses. Hence we have 3 wonderful kids, thanks Honey!!!. I love Steve more today because how he makes me feel about things I would have never would have imagined would mean so much to me 9 years later . I love you Steve because you still make me feel beautiful about myself . After 9 years of marriage I am not 27 years old anymore. I don’t have hours to sit in front of the mirror or work out. My body has had 3 kids. Some days I am lucky if I get shower in. I have ulcertive Colitis, been sick with strep throat, stomach flu you name I have had it, all of these are far from sexy. I have 3 kids that hang on me all the time. I have bed head , morning breath, and I sleep in sweats and a tank top. But through all of this you still make me feel as beautiful as I the day I walked down the aisle. I love you more because you are a amazing father. You play WII, baseball, basketball, dollhouse, Barbie, princess, swim class, dance class and any other imagination game Hailey dreams up. You are calm in situations I panic in, such as choking kids, kids falling of tables and knocking their heads. I love that you are OK with me in being control of things such as decorating the house, menu items and other general housekeeping things. I see other people partners who have to have a say in everything and disagree with everything. While it may work for them, It would drive me crazy. I love that you put up with things about me that would drive other people crazy, such as my obsessive behaviors. Those who don’t know me well may not know I go crazy if I can’t find something in the house I am looking for such as a kids toy, shirt..etc. I can’t rest until I find it As Steve calls it I “storm” around the house until I find it. On more occasions than I would like to admit Steve has received a call at work to check for my daily calendar. That is real panic. I love that you look for it with only minor teasing. I love that you do things with me just because they are important to me, such as going to my extreme aerobics class. I love that you love going to Las Vegas just as much as I do. I love that you are such a hard worker. I love that we still hold hands. I love that you that you gave me 3 amazing kids. I know our life is crazy most of the time but there is no one I would rather be in this crazy life with but you. The only regret I have is that I don’t get enough time just to focus my attention on you and showing you how much you mean to me. So I want you to know how blessed I am to be your wife. I want you to know in 9 years there has never been a sec where I thought about being without you. Somedays we may not get along, but I never could see my life without you. So happy anniversary to my best friend, I am truly believe God made you to be my husband. Here is to another 9 years of driving each other crazy!!!!
1 comment:
I'm waiting for Steve's reply. In all seriousness, Happy Anniversary! You two look just as good now as you do in your wedding photo. Happy many more years together!! Jazzy
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