Friday, July 15, 2011

FlashBack Friday:Vegas

It has been  well over a year since we have been to our favorite vacation destination.  In fact it has been 18 months but who is counting!!!! My husband that is who.   We try to go to Vegas once a year for 3 days just to get away.  However after having each new baby, we have to wait approx 2 years before we can get away again due to the fact my mom's back is not up to watching and carrying a baby that much and second I can't get my crazy kids weaned before than.  However I am really starting to feel that itch to get away for a few days and  have some alone time with Steve , sleep 8 straight hours and  without having a little person in the middle and maybe even have a uninterrupted meal and read a book by the pool.  Wow sounds like Heaven

So  Since it will probably be a another 6 months before we go, I have been really thinking about getting away.  So this weeks flashback Friday is a trip of Vegas from the  past  I think this was in 2009.  I don't have many pictures of our  Vegas Vacation since  we are usually to busy at the casino for pictures but here is a few from the pool and the Hotel at Paris in Vegas.  Wow I really want to go.  The last picture is of Me with carrot top.  When we were out to dinner one night during this trip and I may have had a few to many cocktails!!  We ran in to Carrot top and I proceeded to drunk call everyone I know telling them we saw carrot top.  Why I was so impressed with carrot top, I am not sure but I guess being away from the kids and a few Malibu's and diets makes me giddy.  A good friend had this picture waiting for me when I got back from vacation.   Anyone up for a trip to Vegas I am going to start planning one for June 2012, our 10 year anniversary.  Let me know Have a great week!!!!

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