It is flashback friday again, WOW where does the weeks go. While it seems like the days are flying by, somethings never change. Hailey and Brennan are still giving me or should I say Steve major problems the nights I work 2nd shift. I try to tell Hailey how lucky she is that mom only works 2nd shift two nights a week and when Cody was little before she was born Mom worked 5 nights a week on second shift. She is amazed that Cody had to sleep at our good friends 2 nights a week. She loves hearing stories of how I had to wake him up and bring him home at 10:15pm and what songs we listen to on the way home to our house to help him stay sleeping . We were so lucky and our still lucky to have great friends and family taking care of our children while we work. Not sure what we would do with out great friends and family who help us out. Sure makes it easier to go to work knowing your kids are well loved and taken care of. This weeks flashback friday is of Cody and Hunter. Cody went to Hunter's house while I worked back than. Rachel watched cody from 14 week till Hailey was born. To this day Cody and Hunter are great friends. I was lucky that Hunter's mom would take photo's while I was working and send them to me. These two were best buds from the start. Have a great week. P.S I promise to finally update the blog this week. I
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