Friday, September 16, 2011

Flashback Friday; to do list

I currently have a list of thing I have been trying to get done, clean house, Clean closets, get out fall décor, go through Cody old clothes for B man,  cook some meals to freeze, blog more,  wean Bren!!!(I need help with this one)  It seems like my list keeps growing every week and nothing is coming off the list.  Some weeks being in charge of kids, home, work, life in general can be overwhelming.  Did I say some weeks I  meant MOST!!!  There are only so many hours of the day and when I find a few extra hours at night, I sleep instead of taking things off the list.  It is called survival.  I have so many ideas of topics I want to blog about ,things my children did that our important to them and to me, I want to always remember these things.  I want to be able to look back and read about our lives but I just can’t seem to find the time to get it all done and not drive myself crazy.  I think this is a common theme among women,  hence the new Sarah Jessica parker movie “I Don’t Know How She Does it”   I hope this movie makes fun of how women try to balance everything and not about  some perfect Women who can do it all!!!  We women feel  enough pressure as it is, we don’t need another movie to add to it.  Sometimes I feel like I am running around trying to get everything done, and I never  get anything accomplished and it just adds to the stress I feel.  However there are other days I try not to sweat the small things and  just enjoy my days off with my kids.  I guess like most moms I just need to find a happy balance.  When looking through my camera media card for flashback Fridays since I did not  have time to scan old photos or look on old disk.  I just grabbed the camera filled with over a 1000 photo.  Yes that is number #15 on the chore list, .  I actually found some cute  photos from 1 year ago today.  It was Brennan with the happiest prune face you ever did see and Hailey making a silly face.  Immediately I felt better looking at those photo’s. It’s funny how looking at your Childs smiling face and realizing how fast a year goes by that things will be ok. It seems like yesterday I was spoon feeding him those prunes.  Now he goes in to the fridge and grabs himself a piece of string cheese for me to open.  Where does the time go.   I am 100% sure last year at this time I had a list of chores waiting to be done.  Know what I can’t remember one of them.  So guess what a year from now I won’t remember all my list of things to do.   And that is a good thing, however I don’t want to forget my children ‘stories.     So guess what just got moved up to number one on my list of things to do, Photo Albums and blog.  It’s funny I had no idea what my flashback Friday post was going to be about this week.  I just started typing the first thing on my mind which was all the things I need to get done.  I Know blogging may not be for everyone but when you sit down with your thoughts it is amazing how things become clearer just by writing them out.   It really helps you put your thoughts into perspective, So next time you are stressed sit down with a pen, you might find it is truly helpful.  You may also create something your children will cherish years after you are gone.  Have a wonderful and safe week

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