Friday, August 19, 2011

Flashback Friday; Simple Joys

Yesterday was a bad day at  work.  99.9% of the time I love my job, But 1% of the time I wish I had a different job.  Sometimes in this job you have to be part of someone's life in their most intimate moments of pain, grief and suffering.  It is something you never want to witness and it is something you will never forget.    And sometimes these moments happen to the nicest, sweetest caring people who do not deserve to have these moments and it makes it even worse, if that is even possible.  Yesterday I came home with a heavy heart and a question of why certain things happen to nice people.  I have no answer to that and my heart is still sad.  Someone asked me how do you do it?  Some days are easier than others, I get through it knowing that I did my best today to make someone else pain a little bit easier.  I wish I could make it go away,  I struggle to find the words to make things better, I think the hardest part is most the time there are no words to make things better.  I guess I just get peace knowing if  it was my family in the situation,  I treat them how I would want my own family treated.  A simple hug, and someone to hold them up and be strong for them at their most vulnerable moment.   Than I come home and hug my husband and kids and  sometimes cry a little.  Today I want you all to hug your loves and tell them you love them.  Never take for granted they know.  We all need to hear it.  I want you to look  around and enjoy the simple things in your life.  I wish it did not take other peoples sorrows to make you see the happiness in your own life but I know today I am especially thankful for my family and the simple pleasures I have been blessed with.  So this weeks flashback Fridays is filled with pictures of some of my  simple pleasures in life that I sometimes take for granted;
Spending time with cousins, summer nights catching lightning bugs, beach filled days jumping waves, smiling babies, swinging on first spring day, giggles, sweet kisses, and sweet children's face.   So here is to simple pleasures, take the time to enjoy them in your life and see how special they are


Sue said...

Been thinking about these kinds of things myself. Sorry you have to be so close to it, but it's important work you do.

Sue said...

Been thinking about these kinds of things myself. Sorry you have to be so close to it, but it's important work you do.