Sunday, October 16, 2011


I love the idea of flashback Fridays, however some weeks Fridays come and go and depending on my work week and kids schedule I just don’t seem to get the post written as much as I want to.  So I am going to add in Wayback Weekends, this will give me a few extra days to get the post written just in case I am running behind, which seems to be the norm these days.    So here we go with our first Wayback  weekend post.  WayBack Weekend: Family Genes

   This past week I took Brennan to his 18 month well check up appointment.  I laughed to myself when the nurse gave me his stats.  His weigh was 23lbs which was in the 10% ,his height was  in  the 15% and his head was 80% yup   you read it right 80%.    I remember  when Cody  was little   I was shocked and a little worried  at how big of difference his head size was  from his body size .  I remember after his 3 month appointment  the doctor said not to be to alarmed by the difference of his head size and that they would watch it and monitor it to make sure there was not a under lying medical condition causing his large melon.   The doctor explained that as long as the growth percentile  stayed consistent and did not get bigger that I need not to worry.   After each  check up  that followed  his  9 month, 12 month , 18 month appointments  and so on it was always the same.  His  body and height around 15% and head  at 80-90%.   His head was consistently Huge!!  What a relief!!    After Hailey was born she fell on the same growth chart As Cody, head weight 15%  and head size 90%    After the 3rd child I came to the realization while Steve and I may make  some cute kids they have exceptionally large heads!!!    I try to blame that  on Steve’s side of the genetic tree but when I look back at pictures I secretly  know they get it from me.   I laugh cause I constantly hear from everybody how much the kids look like Steve and I mumble under my breath,  “they sure do”  and think really I went through all the weight gain  and work of carrying these 3 joys of my life could one look like me!!!    What  concerns me more is while the kids look like Steve I worry that they will get certain hidden genetic traits of mine that  I hope to not pass  on to them such as my  genetically high cholesterol that my father was so kind to pass on to me.   For those of you who do not know  I have shockingly  high cholesterol, I am talking numbers in the 300.  I work out regularly, eat health but thanks to my father’s genes I have the type of cholesterol  that can only be lowered by medication!!   I pray I did not  pass that on to the kids.   Another wonderful  gene I hope I do not pass on to my children is several missing  adult teeth, another wonderful gift from my father’s side.  I am missing 5 adult teeth  which means I have an expensive smile, 3 fake teeth hidden inside that  are not cheap.   If I have not thanked you before Thanks Mom and Dad for paying for my smile.   I have one more baby tooth still hanging in their  but it is on its last root and which will entail a expensive implant when that finally falls out.  No worries though the money I get from the tooth fairy for a vintage tooth  should cover the implant price!!!!  I remember last year when Cody got his x-rays  from the dentist and they saw all his adult teeth, I sighed with relief thinking at least I won’t have to pay for fake teeth,  I am sure I will be paying for braces with  my extreme overbite and spacious front teeth I received from my mother, which I fear my children will have.   Wow I am  picture of health and beauty, thinking of all these traits I am surprised I was  able to find a husband with my missing tooth buck teeth smile.  I should pull out  a  picture from when I was pregnant with Hailey and one of my bridges fell out.  I was toothless and pregnant,  can we say redneck!!  Next time you are feeling down and need a laugh I will email you that  photo.  Thank God for a few good genes I received from my mom and dad that  the balance out those bad ones .  Thanks mom for my great light green eyes and slender legs and Dad thanks for the great hair and outgoing personality .    Don’t worry Cody and Hailey even if you get some of my bad genes I promise it will be alright, most of them can be fixed with medical and cosmetic intervention.   Look, I survived and turned out relatively  OK.   I recently have been bringing  the kids into work to do the hand off from when I go in and Steve gets done.  This past week a co-worker said to me  “Wow does your kid have some eyebrow”   referring to Cody.  At first I wanted to say  really why would you ever say anything like that to someone you “Dumbass” but instead I smiled and said in my sweet proud  voice  “yup he got them from me”      I do have to admit I am sooooo happy Hailey  did  not get my full Italian eyebrows!!!    So to my 3 beautiful children that our made up of both my good and bad genes, you will always be beautiful because you are mine but I promise to fix any of those not so great traits you received from me just like grandma and grandpa did for me!!!   So This week’s Wayback weekend Pictures are Cody’s and mine first grade school picture.  You will notice my spacious front teeth and full eyebrows and you will notice Cody and I have the same full eye brows and big heads.  I love  my big head full eyebrow son,  Have a great week!!  

Sunday, October 2, 2011

FlashBack friday:; favorites

We started this week off with big tears at our house,   Hailey’s purple panda footed p.j ‘s  no longer  fit her.  You would have thought  she had to say good bye to her bestfriend…She cried and cried and cried some more.  It is sooo true when they say girls are more emotional than boys.  I try not to believe that stereotype but I saw it in full force that day.    I told her we would head to the carter’s store on my days off to see if we could find another pair of purple panda pajamas.   So we headed to Carters outlet to replace a pair of purple panda footed P.J.’s , unfortunately we could not replace the beloved pandas but we did find a pair of purple cupcake footed pajamas, and pair of girls rock silky Jammies.  Haily loves P.J’s.  While I was there I noticed they had there Xmas p’j’s in.  Carters is one of the few stores that I can find matching Xmas P.J’s in all 3 of the kids sizes.    What luck not only did we find purple footed P.J's we found green flannel Santa jammies.  So we both head to the register with smiles all around.  However when the clerk started to ring up the Xmas  jammies, I saw $25 come up.  I laughed , and asked her to double check the price.  No it was right.  They were originally $36.  And on sale for $25.   Really!!  I don’t even have $25 P.J’s.   I guess I will have to wait for a better sale.   What is even crazier is I actually thought about still buying them for  a brief moment.   Why because  you have to have Xmas's jammies and even better if they match your brother and sisters.  I remember growing up and always  putting on our new Xmas's jammies waiting for Santa to come, and feeling so excited and happy in our new Xmas jammies.  It was funny last year I showed the kids the jammies  about a month before Xmas and of course they wanted to wear them right away.  When I said no, they kept asking WHY!!!!  All I could say  was cause grandma never let me wear them before Xmas!!!   I Find it amazing how the little things as new Xmas jammies could mean so much to me growing up and till this day still stick in my mind, I want those simple joys for my own children.  I want them to be as excited as I was  waiting for Santa to come in their cute matching jammies.    I want Hailey to feel as special as I did in my new Christmas jammies.   I love having a daughter, I know I always said it did not matter  if I had a girl or not , but I must admit,  I would have missed buying  sparkly clothes  and  shiny glitter shoes.  I know there will come a day, that Hailey will no longer let me pick out her clothes but until than I am  all glitz.    It’s funny till this day I still remember one of my first sparkle shirts.  I think I would have worn that shirt everyday if my mom would have let me.  It said “spoiled rotton” in shiny rainbow letter.  And boy did I feel like "miss thing" in that shirt.  So I guess you know why little miss Hailey will be in sparkly shirts as long as she let me  pick her shirts and Cody will be in matching Xmas jammies with his little brother and sister as long as he can.  So Flashback Friday's this week is dedicated to my favorite wardrobe pieces as a child!!!  The first one is in my spoiled rotten shirt, boy this picture does not do that shirt any justice!!!!.  Check out my dad, that  shirt and hairstyle does  not do him any justice!!!

                                           Next a few of me and Jen in our Xmas jammies....sorry Meg could not find any pictures with you in them.  After the 3rd child  guess you just got the hand me downs!!!!!!

                                                      Have a great week